How can stakeholders help protect MMRNP
1. Local Government Units and Other Government Agencies
- Formulate and implement regulations that would protect the park
against destructive human activities.
- Design and implement programs that would generate livelihood and
improve the living condition of park occupants and upland farmers.
- Extend financial or material assistance for the protection of the
- Help educate the people about the importance of the park to the
economic sustainability and well-being of all stakeholders.
2. Community/Barangay People
- Prevent the entry of outsiders into the park.
- Conduct monitoring and surveillance operation within territory of
the barangay.
- Report immediately to concern agencies any illegal activity detected.
3. General or all stakeholders
- Use lumber from planted trees for construction or other purposes.
- Plant more trees for economic or aesthetic values.
- Support fund-raising campaigns for the protection of MMRNP.