How can stakeholders help protect MMRNP

1. Local Government Units and Other Government Agencies

  • Formulate and implement regulations that would protect the park against destructive human activities.
  • Design and implement programs that would generate livelihood and improve the living condition of park occupants and upland farmers.
  • Extend financial or material assistance for the protection of the park.
  • Help educate the people about the importance of the park to the economic sustainability and well-being of all stakeholders.

2. Community/Barangay People

  • Prevent the entry of outsiders into the park.
  • Conduct monitoring and surveillance operation within territory of the barangay.
  • Report immediately to concern agencies any illegal activity detected.

3. General or all stakeholders

  • Use lumber from planted trees for construction or other purposes.
  • Plant more trees for economic or aesthetic values.
  • Support fund-raising campaigns for the protection of MMRNP.

Mt. Malindang Range Natural Park (MMRNP)

The value of MMRNP

Problems and threats

Adverse effects of the destruction of MMRNP

How can stakeholders help to protect MMRNP